Tags:accident analysis, AI/AV Safety, Heuristics and Biases in Risk Management and The Socio-technical Risk Management Framework
The aim of the Case study is to produce a list of accident causal factors using the Cybernetic risk management model with the hybrid Swiss Cheese Model (SCM) and Management Oversight & Risk Tree (MORT) Methodology. The hybrid SCM/MORT methodology incorporates Jens Rasmussen’s risk management framework and thus, is able to identify latent failures conditions arising from the socio-technical system that embeds the system of interest (SOI). The results, it is argued, have an impact on Risk management, Decision making, and wider Human factors concerns that are relevant to Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning domain. The desk top study included collection of information and data that is publicly available to represent all relevant viewpoints to ensure completeness. The first part of the paper presents the Concepts, the Accident Causation Model, and the second part elaborates on the methodology and presents the results. It is noted that the Advanced Technologies Group (ATG) is no longer part of Uber Technologies, but the results are relevant to Aurora, a firm that purchased the ATG Group and continues the AV business.
Accident Case Study Analysis of Developmental Automated Driving System Collison