Tags:GPU-based computing, High-performance space computing, Radiation tolerant displays and Software-based fault tolerance
Emerging space mission requirements for complex autonomous operations, high-end sensor processing, swarm/constellation management, planetary/lunar landing, and autonomous exploration missions, etc. require processing requirements that rad-hard processors cannot achieve and fault tolerance requirements that COTS processors alone cannot meet. Troxel Aerospace’s SEFI/SEU Mitigation Middleware (SMM) provides a path to enabling these types of missions by allowing high-performance COTS processors to operate with a high degree of fault tolerance without the need for rad-hard electronics, and thus simultaneously meet advanced mission criticality and performance requirements. Troxel Aerospace has demonstrated operate-through capability through extensive radiation testing on multicore processors and GPUs, most recently for several critical missions including astronaut displays for NASA Johnson and a few DoD missions. This presentation will highlight SMMs history, features, recent radiation test results, and upcoming missions.
SEFI Mitigation Middleware Radiation Test Results for NASA and Other GPU Applications