Tags:Continuous Wavelet Transform, Covid-19 genome, DNA Representation, Signal Processing and wavelet analysis
The virus has been a debatable topic for decades as it cannot be placed anywhere in the classification, as viruses are neither dead nor alive. These are small parasites that require the host body to replicate. A virus consists of DNA or RNA, either single or double-stranded or circular or linear. They also have a protective covering made of a protein coat called a capsid. There are two different methods by which we can analyze the genomic functions either by direct experiments or by computational methods. The computational techniques are slowly taking over the research. In this paper, we have tried to find out the hot regions present in the Covid-19 genome using Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) using different wavelets at different scales. As a result, we are able to find the mutation sites in the Covid-19 genome.
Analysis of Covid-19 Genome Using Continuous Wavelet Transform