Title:Design of a Preventive Maintenance Plan, ABC, Coding, Kanban System, FMEA and Forecasts to reduce costs in the metalworking company Ingenieros en Acción S.R.L.
Tags:ABC, AMFE, Kanban, Mantenimiento preventivo and Pronósticos
This work was prepared with the purpose of solving the most relevant problems in the company Ingenieros en Acción S.R.L.: unplanned machine stops, disorder in the warehouse, delays in the delivery of finished orders, reprocessing and shortage of finished products, which together generate a monthly economic loss of S/.16,441.31. Therefore, for each problem, two alternative solutions were proposed and the most appropriate ones were selected based on 10 realistic restrictions. Then, for each alternative solution, engineering tools were designed: preventive maintenance plan; ABC and coding; Kanban system; FMEA and OFM; and forecasts. Next, the current values of the design's own indicators were determined and compared with international standards of the field under study. Subsequently, the design results were simulated to evaluate the effect of the proposed tools, through mathematical and statistical methods in Microsoft Excel. Finally, an economic analysis of the design of the solution alternatives was carried out in a horizon of one year, which resulted in a net present value (NPV) of S/.115,866.30, an internal rate of return (IRR) of 69.29% and a costs reduction of S/.12,813.00 per month, obtaining a benefit-cost ratio (B/C) of 5.91. As the results confirm the positive impact of the design on costs in the metalworking company, it is concluded that the project is viable, so its implementation is recommended. In this sense, the research provided solutions to real problems, thus contributing to the scientific community to carry out future engineering work.
Design of a Preventive Maintenance Plan, ABC, Coding, Kanban System, FMEA and Forecasts to reduce costs in the metalworking company Ingenieros en Acción S.R.L.
Design of a Preventive Maintenance Plan, ABC, Coding, Kanban System, FMEA and Forecasts to reduce costs in the metalworking company Ingenieros en Acción S.R.L.