Water is a unique solvent cause its highly hydrogen-bonded structure, and at room temperature it has a high boiling point for its mass, a high dielectric constant and high polarity. At the higher temperatures, its permittivity, viscosity and surface tension decreases, but diffusion rate increases [1] . Superheated water is a general term to denote the region of the condensed phase between 100 ̊ C and the critical point. Liquid water at elevated temperatures above its boiling point has been used for many years as an industrial solvent and cleaning agent in applications ranging from enhancing the extraction of oil shale [2], the extraction of sulphur from ore bodies in the Frasch process [3],to degreasing. In recent years, there has been an interest in using superheated water for soil remediation .In this paper , a review on this area of application has been performed. References:
Application of Superheated Water as a Soil Remediation Media: a Review