Tags:Android Application, Cloud Service, IoT-based Control System and Mobile Caterpillar Robot
The paper is dedicated to the development of the remote IoT-based control system of the mobile caterpillar robot (MCR) that able to move on inclined and vertical ferromagnetic surfaces. Nowadays such industrial robots replace humans when operating in harmful and dangerous working conditions, they are really needed for cleaning, welding, cutting, painting, inspection in shipbuilding, ship repair and another branches of heavy industry in the world. The authors propose experimental model of the industrial MCR with separate clamping magnets. The general functional structure and the functional features of a hierarchical remote system for the MCR control based on the Internet of Things technology have been considered. The basic software and hardware means of the experimental model of the remote control system of MCR are described. The hardware includes embedded solution based on non-expensive NodeMCU board with ESP8266 and power units. The program algorithm and Blynk application for Android with cloud service in interaction are made up the software of the robot’s remote IoT-based control system. So, the experimental model of the proposed system for MCR allows to control the spatial movement of the robot in “point-to-point” network and from any place of the world in the presence of access to the Internet. The usage of the given system makes it possible to remotely access to the control processes of outside experts while insufficient qualifications of an attendant.
Remote IoT-Based Control System of the Mobile Caterpillar Robot