Title:Unconventional technologies for saving energy and reducing air pollution: Case Study for Effect of green surfaces in improving the city environment
Tags:green broad dense surfaces, noise pollution, oxygen and temperature
Increasing number of people in some cities complicated human health and cleaning environment issues. Many pollutants are augmented in atmosphere, water and food. Theses may cause ill-health and deteriorate human environment. Neither advances in science nor development in technologies can create right alternative to value of pure nature to man.
Aim of this research to provide energy, reduce air pollution with greenhouse gases and contribute to noise reduction through non-traditional solutions such as plantig of builings roofs.
In present study manufactured beds were resemble surfaces. One bed simulates dense green surfaces planted with flowers. Another bed replicates large green surfaces planted with green grass with growth layer thickness of 7, 14 and 21 cm. These surfaces were compared to a third which represents traditional tiles.
Experimental results showed efficiency of noise reduction increases with increase in medium of growth thickness. Noise reduction ratios for dense and wide green surface attained 29.49, 33.9, 40.39%, and 33.24, 41.50, 48.24%, as compared to a conventional surface following growth medium.
Green surfaces had a great ability to modify temperature inside houses. Nevertheless. Percentage of thermal change of wide green recorded 16.56 to 29.63% and dense green indicated values of 12.27 to 20.99m as compared to traditional surface according to growth medium. Efficiency of temperature adjustment increases with thickness of growth medium.
Ratio of oxygen increase for wide green surface 54%, while oxygen content over condensed green surface 36% when compared to conventional surface.
Recommended to use wide, dense green surfaces to save energy, reduce noise pollution, increase oxygen in surrounding environment, and reduce pollution from vehicle exhaust, laboratories, etc.
Unconventional technologies for saving energy and reducing air pollution: Case Study for Effect of green surfaces in improving the city environment