Tags:Didactical Process Design Model, Didactical Process Modelling, Didactical Process Simulation, Learner-Centered Design and Personalized Learning
The problem of designing didactic processes has not been solved to this day, although some specific issues are considered. The article presents a generalized approach model based on the reference ADDIE model including the organisational level to the design and implementation of the didactic process. The model uses Bloom's taxonomy and Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. The model has been modified towards a dynamic design oriented on quality, efficiency and adaptive learning. A competency-based decomposition is used. The lowest level of decomposition is the activities level where the information flows as well as the learning and forgetting are taken into account. The competences-objectives-activities-data linking is discussed. The level of activities is represented in the form of an electrical-like network. The network represents differential equations describing dynamic learning and forgetting as well as the structure and information flows of the didactic process. The element models can be easily extended. The networks can be simulated and optimized. The results can be used during the design process. The simulation result as well as the structure of network equations enables inference. The article presents the results of simulations of some aspects of didactic processes including scheduling and sequencing, gap effect, workload, predicting achievements and effectiveness.
Design and Implementation of Didactic Process Based on Simulation