Digital transformation of education requires a higher educational institution to change its approach to the formation of professional competencies of future professionals. Development of a digital competence, Communication being one of its components, is an important aspect. The article substantiates the approaches of scholars to the interpretation of the digital competence, namely its component Communication and Cooperation. The European framework and standards of digital competence of citizens and educators, which are an important tool in raising the level of digital competence of professionals, are analysed and substantiated. The authors describe the DigComp framework of digital competence for citizens. The article describes the Digital Competence Wheel, on the basis of which in accordance with the DigComp framework, a questionnaire consisting of 24 descriptors, was developed to determine the digital competence of future professionals. It has been proved that quality of the learning environment contributes to the formation of professional competencies, creates prerequisites for students’ personal qualities development, provides training of a competitive specialist.
Communication in Developing Digital Competence of Future Professionals