Title:A Unification of the Study of Terminological Resource Management in the Automated Translation Systems as an Innovative Element of Technological Training of Translators
Tags:Automated Translation Systems, CAI, CAT, Technological Training of Translators, Terminological Bases and Terminological Resources
The article deals with the issues of improving the technological training of trans-lators by introducing innovative elements within special courses or modules. A unification of the study of the same key operations of managing terminological resources in automated translation systems, which are used to support both sim-ultaneous interpretation and translation, is proposed. The analysis of software products from the category of CAI (Computer-Assisted Interpreting) and CAT (Computer-assisted translation) for the revealing common characteristics in the aspect of working with terminological resources is made. An attempt has been made to optimize the technological training of translators for performing opera-tions of search, selection, structuring, import, export of terminology, which is or-ganized in the form of specialized terminological bases. The expediency of study-ing by future translators at least one of the software products related to САІ, one to cloud-based САТ, and one to desktop САТ is justified. The principles on which the process of optimizing the content and organizing the technological training of translators should be based are determined.
A Unification of the Study of Terminological Resource Management in the Automated Translation Systems as an Innovative Element of Technological Training of Translators
A Unification of the Study of Terminological Resource Management in the Automated Translation Systems as an Innovative Element of Technological Training of Translators