Tags:Deep learning, Hyper-parameters tuning, Neural-symbolic integration and Probabilistic Logic Programming
In the last years, the Hyper-parameter Optimization (HPO) research field has gained more and more attention. Many works have focused on finding the best combination of the network’s hyperparameters (HPs) or architecture. The state-of-the-art algorithm in terms of HPO is Bayesian Optimization (BO). This is because it keeps track of past results obtained during the optimization and uses this experience to build a probabilistic model mapping HPs to a probability density of the objective function. BO builds a surrogate probabilistic model of the objective function, finds the HPs values that perform best on the surrogate model and updates it with new results. In this work, a system was developed, called Symbolic DNN-Tuner which logically evaluates the results obtained from the training and the validation phase and, by applying symbolic tuning rules, fixes the network architecture, and its HPs, therefore improving performance. Symbolic DNN-Tuner improve BO applied to Deep Neural Network (DNN) by adding an analysis of the results of the network on training and validation sets. This analysis is performed by exploiting rule-based programming, and in particular by using Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP).
Exploiting Parameters Learning for Hyper-Parameters Optimization in Deep Neural Networks