Tags:Capacidade de Hospedagem, Método de Monte Carlo, OpenDSS, Perfis de probabilidade and Sistemas fotovoltaicos
The article presents the creation of a tool using the Monte Carlo Method (MMC) to analyze the main impacts inherent in the high insertion of photovoltaic (PV) distributed generators in distribution networks, in order to estimate the Hosting Capacity (CH). Generally speaking, the MMC consists of the possibility of creating various random scenarios, where the position of each PV system is drawn by the software according to the probability profile curves of the consumers most likely to adopt the PV system. These curves consist of the relationship between purchasing power and installed load, consumption, consumer education levels, and the influence of the neighbor effect on the possible installation of generators. The algorithm is implemented in the Python programming language, which uses the DLL interface of the Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) software for power flow simulations. The case study is carried out considering a test network and, consequently, the main associated impacts are analyzed.
Methodology for Analyzing the Hosting Capacity of Photovoltaic Systems in Electricity Distribution Networks