Title:Environmental Sustainability Comparative Assessment of Low-Rise and High-Rise Neighbourhoods Based on People’s Lifestyle Preferences: the Case of Doha, Qatar
Tags:Environmental Sustainability, High-Rise and Low-Rise Neighbourhoods, Meso and Micro Environmental Factors, Meso and Micro Environmental Factors., Public Participation and Urban Planning
The urban form of Doha city has undergone numerous changes owing to rapid economic growth during the past few decades. The Qatar National Vision 2030 highlights environmental sustainability as one of the key sectors of Qatar’s First National Development Strategy. Achieving environmental sustainability requires analysis from meso and micro levels of perspectives. This study selected a low-rise neighbourhood (Onaiza) and a high-rise neighbourhood (West Bay) in Doha city to be analysed. The study objectives are to a) investigate environmental factors based on two levels: meso (walkability, backyard farming, waste management) and micro (surroundings, mobility, green infrastructure), b) comparative analysis between the two selected neighbourhoods and c) develop planning strategies to enhance the environmental sustainability in both low-rise and high-rise neighbourhoods. The research tools include content analysis, observation study and open-ended interviews. The results revealed similarities in lifestyle preferences for meso parameters walkability and waste segregation. However, backyard farming is preferred by low-rise neighbourhoods compared to high-rise neighbourhoods, due to the availability of space. While people’s lifestyle preferences for micro parameters, surroundings and green infrastructures have shown similarities, preference for mobility has different responses due to the opportunities in neighbourhoods. The study emphasizes the importance of public awareness and participation in formulating urban policies due to the changing dynamics of the city’s population.
Environmental Sustainability Comparative Assessment of Low-Rise and High-Rise Neighbourhoods Based on People’s Lifestyle Preferences: the Case of Doha, Qatar
Environmental Sustainability Comparative Assessment of Low-Rise and High-Rise Neighbourhoods Based on People’s Lifestyle Preferences: the Case of Doha, Qatar