Tags:astobiofilozofia, astrobiologia, definicja życia and istota życia
Astrobiology, as a contemporary multidisciplinary study of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the universe, combines scientific findings from various specific disciplines and attempts to answer questions about the existence and characteristics of life in the language of modern natural science. I will argue that the modern intensive development of astrobiology, firstly, does not eliminate philosophical issues related to the origin, existence and nature of life in the universe, and secondly, that astrobiology itself (like other scientific disciplines) is multifariously entangled with philosophy. Evidence of this is, among other things, the presence in astrobiological research of the idea of self-organization of matter and the idea of multiple organization of life. This philosophical entanglement of astrobiology is not something transitory and surmountable, but is its immanent property. In order to justify my position, I will consider what can be called astrobiophilosophy. It is about the philosophical implications regarding the understanding of the nature of life in the universe, taking into account the achievements of modern astrobiology. This is because it turns out that within the framework of modern astrobiological research, an understanding of life is applied, resulting from the accepted idea of the multiple realization of life. Its consequence is the search for a definition of life of a functional nature, as opposed to definitions of a substantive nature, referring to a specific building block and/or the nature of physicochemical transformations. Thus, the thesis of the multiple realization of life leads to ontological conclusions regarding the essence of life, which can be considered within the framework of astrobiophilosophy.