Tags:Bainite, Cellular Automata, impingement phenomenon, mean field model, phase transformation, Steel and transformation kinetics
In the current study a previously developed cellular automata (CA) model is applied to test how the shape of the growing bainite sheaves as well as the nucleation and growth rates affect the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (KJMA), Austin-Rickett (AR) and the generalized Lee-Kim (LK) model, which encompasses both the KJMA and AR models. The KJMA, AR and LK models are applied to describe the mean field evolution of the phase transformation kinetics. The shape of the growing sheaf affects the impingement phenomena, which then influences the transformation kinetics, even though the overall growth rate for different shape aspect ratios can be the same. Similarly, the different nucleation and growth rates affect the impingement. Systematic simulation studies were performed with different aspect ratios of the growing sheaves as well as different ratios of nucleation versus growth, to see the effect of these factors on the overall transformation kinetics.
Effect of Anisotropic Growth and Grain Boundary Impingement on Bainite Transformation Models