Tags:communication, Habermass, information, rationality and irrationality, Shannon and Wiener
Shannon’s mathematical theory of communication, Wiener’s cybernetics, and even Habermas’s theory of communicative action share the European approach of rationality to communication Its essence consists in dividing the rational from the irrational, and then “bracketing” the latter as a “black box". There exist the practice of separating rationality from irrationality disjunctively, representing irrationality as some “black box”, e.g. that of choice, postulating that “black box” as a an initial element of rationalityox” and initial element for rationality. It tends to all different from the rational and ordered to be generalized and ignored as the “irrational”. hen, the irrational sides of communication can be studied only as obstacles and “informational noise” or as far they admit some rationalization by means of any more or less relevant model preferably mathematical.
Information and Communication: Mathematical Models