Tags:Digital Agenda of Ukraine 2020, Digital maturity, Digital transformation and Digital transformation index
In recent years, a significant number of ICT indices have been developed by various international organizations / companies to assess the state of development of the information (digital) society, each based on selected research priorities. However, none of the established international meth-odologies with the proposed indicators can be directly transferred to assess the state of development of the information society in Ukraine, and even more so to reflect the situation of digital transformation of domestic business structures. The current state of digital technology in domestic business is dramatically different from the world. As there is currently a problem with the low digital literacy of society and business executives at all levels, the use of a European methodology for determining the digital intensity index with appropriate indicators is not entirely acceptable for domestic businesses. Due to the lack of data on the ownership of certain digital technologies by 2017, it is not clear whether the domestic business is ready to integrate the global trends of digital development. That is why it is necessary to develop your own methodology for determining the index of digital business transformation with appropriate indicators, which would take into account the current state of affairs. The methodology should reflect an in-depth analysis of the level of digital transformation of business structures, while being flexible in order to be able to respond quickly to new phenomena and the emergence of new digital tools and technologies. In the future, the developed methodology should be harmonized with international methods for comparing Ukraine's digital transformation with the most developed countries of the world
System-Integrated Methodological Approach Development to Calculating the Digital Transformation Index of Business Structures