Tags:automated code checking, Automated Code Compliance Checking, BIM, IDS, ids schema, information delivery specification, marrakesh morocco, neutral and open, neutral information exchange schemes, online available, practical application, promoter of greater productivity, rase methodology, standards ifc and ids, use case details and use case management
Automated Code Compliance Checking in BIM models is a use pointed out as a promoter of greater productivity and reliability, especially in the design phase of AEC projects. Several application efforts have been made at different scales, but many barriers were encountered, such as the difficulty of transcribing rules written in human language into a structured and machine-readable language, the lack of modeling standards driven to automated checking, and the fact that the checker software code is not easily accessed. Currently, the evolution of neutral and open-source standards for information exchange turns this BIM use into a more versatile and scalable one. This paper presents the practical application of an automated code compliance checking process for accessibility rules, based on the neutral and open standards IFC and IDS, and presents the successes and limitations of this application, as well as the recommendations for its evolution.
Use Case for Automated Code Compliance Checking of Accessibility Rules in BIM Models Using the IDS Standard