Tags:overtourism, Sustainable tourism, Tourism Ecological Footprint and Transportation Eco-footprint
The European Parliament defined overtourism as the situation in which the impact of tourism, at certaintimes and in certain locations, exceeds physical, ecological, social, economic, psychological, and/or political capacity thresholds. Coastal regions of the Mediterranean, known for their natural beauty and hospitality, are some of the most affected areas by this phenomenon. To assess the impact of overtourism in Platanias, a popular urban coastal attraction, the tourism ecological footprint (TEF) approach was used. This method considers various indicators such as carbon emissions, water use, land use, and waste production to evaluate the environmental impact of tourism activities. The four-step methodology used in Platanias involved assessing the ecofootprint of arrival-departure transportation, local activities transportation, accommodation, and food consumption. The TEF approach is a valuable tool for decision-making and sustainable tourism development, and preservation of urban coastal ecosystems for future generations.
Sustainable Tourism Modeling & Characteristics: an Assessment of the Touristic Ecofootprint in Platanias