Title:Classification of the Factors of Functioning of the Individual Human Thermoregulation System and Prediction of Its State (Local Thermophysical Aspects)
Tags:bioheat transfer, human thermal receptors, mathematical modeling, skin temperature, skin thermomechanics, thermal comfort and thermoregulation system
A classification of the tasks of human thermoregulation is proposed, which allows combining various scientific studies into one system, which takes into account environmental factors, biological feedback in the body and different properties of the constituent parts of the human thermoregulation system. The proposed multifactorial model of the human thermoregulation system is based on combining the classification of tasks represented by a group of main factors (temperature, time and the characteristic size of the system under consideration), with the classification of tasks in the studied sciences. Applying an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human thermoregulation (thermogenesis), it is possible to model complex systems that allow predicting the state of the human thermoregulation system. A multifactor model, based on the systematization of knowledge, can be used as the basis for computer modeling of a human thermoregulation system. Classification of tasks for the study of the human thermoregulation system allows you to systematize scientific knowledge and identify unexplored aspects for future research. Research and modeling of the human thermoregulation system are the scientific basis for the creation of new measuring, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, new treatment methods and, possibly, a standardized personalized calculation method in the form of a software and hardware complex with an online calculator via the Internet of the influence of external factors (weather) for predicting homeostasis (and the state of the thermoregulation system) of a person. The article discusses a number of the most significant scientific works for each area of research. Identified and systematized the most important problems for study in each of them from the point of view of heat and mass transfer and energy conversion at different levels of the description of biosystems in the human body.
Classification of the Factors of Functioning of the Individual Human Thermoregulation System and Prediction of Its State (Local Thermophysical Aspects)
Classification of the Factors of Functioning of the Individual Human Thermoregulation System and Prediction of Its State (Local Thermophysical Aspects)