Tags:airport drainage, drainage, modelling and stormwater
Stormwater conveyance system is meant to provide safe vehicles passage & facility operation during design storm event, & of high priority in design & construction of airports. The aim of this study is to assess current status of stormwater system at Khartoum International Airport; with an attempt of establishing a computer model that enables future enhancement & assessment of drainage system at study area. Various data sources were tapped, incl. Civil Aviation Authority-Khartoum Airport, Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport of Khartoum State, consultancy firms & research institutions, and conducted site visits during rainfall events (reflecting spots of deteriorated parts at project vicinity). IDF curves were collated & utilised for preparing a computer model via Storm Water Management Model,SWMM, of US-EPA. The model helped in simulating the situation while taking in consideration various hydraulic parameters & simulation runs for a number of return periods. Despite its ease of use, some difficulties were encountered with SWMM due to input requirements compared to availed local data at the time of conducting this study. Therefore, the rational method was adopted in the hydrological study after dividing study area into several zones. The open area is about 500m wide & the grading are 0.1-0.2%, which were divided into nine zones. The sub-areas of 150m-wide adjacent to runway were named Z2-1 to Z5-1, at the East Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 & Z5, Zone1 & Zone9 were at the South & West respectively. Velocities were found between 1.12-1.6m/s & pipes diameters were found to be between 1.05-1.07m & the pipe culvert was 1.6m. In addition to engineering findings of the hydraulic design parameters; the need for establishing a suitable monitoring system with a computer-aided decision support system for rapid assessment, monitoring & maintenance scheduling is considered as one of the main recommendations of this study.
Assessment of Stormwater Drainage Systems: Case Study of Khartoum International Airport