Tags:Building Energy Modeling, BuildingSmart Data Dictionary, Industry Foundation Classes and Linked Data
Building information modeling (BIM) holds the potential to streamline the building energy analysis process by providing geometry, materials, envelope properties, internal gains, and ventilation systems. The IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) standard facilitates data transfer for this purpose. However, the IFC scheme allows information to be organized and represented in different ways, causing interoperability challenges between software and information loss. This study addresses these issues by proposing a methodology for developing an energy modeling data dictionary. Based on the BuildingSmart Data Dictionary (bSDD) methodology, the proposed data dictionary aligns with the IFC schema and incorporates information about the building materials' thermal properties. The proposed structure includes information classification systems and allows for diverse energy code integration. In doing so, the organized and classified information can be mapped to energy analysis software. This initiative resolves current challenges and establishes a blueprint for creating data dictionaries across various domains, expanding its utility beyond energy modeling
A Data Dictionary for the Building Energy Modeling Domain