Tags:alternative reality, counterfactual reality, fictional reality, I Ching, Philip Dick and The Man in the High Castle
The structure and content of the presentation I A formal model of divination by means of “I Ching“ II The “I Ching” divination in terms of quantum measurement III The scientific condition for any “I Ching“ divination to be relevant IV How might one write a book by “I Ching“? V How might “I Ching” write another book? VI A few excerpts from “The Man in the High Castle” with or by “I Ching” VII The precedent of Hermann Hesse’s “Das Glasperlenspiel” (“The Glass Beed Game”) “The Man in the High Castle,” Berkeley, 1982 (reprint) ISBN: 0-425-05051-3
A Book Written by (means of) “I Ching": "The Man in the High Castle"