Tags:Competencias, Ingeniería civil, Inglés con propósitos específicos, Inglés con propósitos específicos (ESP), Interdisciplinario and Ocupacional
For this research project, the effectiveness of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) was analyzed using strategies and activities online. These online strategies consisted of publications in digital magazines that were designed into a web page by students studying “Interdisciplinary English” and working toward bachelors degrees in English at The University La Gran Colombia. The project was tested on students studying Civil Engineering at the same university, and in the same digital environment. The English language students designed and implemented the digital material, while those from the engineering department did the proposed activities and had the opportunity to improve some of their language abilities. Abilities such as listening, reading, and writing, with specific topics that developed their communicative skills in the foreign language (English). This kept in mind their main area of study, with an emphasis in the specific vocabulary utilized in Civil Engineering. Generally, it was found that the English students benefitted from being in the professional environment, and with the design and creation of the supporting material. Their actions were transcended extending even to discipline, revising the routine methodological concept of learning English. In regards to the Civil Engineering students, they improved their communicative abilities in English related to the needs of engineering in the 21st century.
Interactive Proposal to Handle Technical English in Civil Engineering Students