Tags:actividad minera, contaminantes, deterioro, hidrocarburos and pasivos ambientales
For many years, mining activity has been the main source of work and economy in the province of Huarochirí, where San Mateo de Huanchor is located, it should be noted that during the development of this activity there are a series of impacts that put the environment and population health at risk. 60% of the contamination of the Rímac River comes from mining activity, which is extremely harmful, where basically its concentrations are carried out in the upper basins of the rivers, where the real problem is. According to the purpose of the research, the nature of the problems and the objective set will be a non-experimental descriptive documentary research, since various investigations of the last 3 years were reviewed where it was possible to obtain as results that there are 190 mining environmental liabilities and hydrocarbons without remedy, which cause surface and underground contamination causing the deterioration of water resources, which can also lead to social conflicts. This province has high levels of pollution, where these liabilities can be filtered into the Rímac River, generating irreversible damage to surface waters and with this it would also harm the city of Lima, since it would be left out of this resource due to the high concentration of pollutants.
Environmental Impact of Mining Tailings in the Middle Basin of the Rimac River in Peru