Tags:Agent-Oriented Information Technology (AOIT), Non-Functional Software Characteristics, Ontology-Based Intelligent Agent (OBIA), Software Requirements, Software Requirements Specification (SRS) and Sufficiency of Requirements Information
The paper presents the development of agent-oriented information technology (AOIT) for assessing the initial stages of the software life cycle. This AOIT performs automatic assessing and provides improving the level of sufficiency information of requirements for determination of each non-functional characteristic separately and all non-functional characteristics together, with the result that the gap in knowledge about non-functional characteristics for software projects is reduced. In addition, the developed AOIT minimizes the impact of the human factor and simplifies the performance of this assessment both by the developer and the customer. The developed agent-oriented information technology also provide: automation of the tedious, time-consuming, fatiguing and error-prone task of parsing the SRS; instantly show where re-work of requirements is needed; speed training for new systems engineers and project managers; the authoring of high-quality requirements; the correction and elimination of the requirements errors where they originate – during the early stages of the project; the tool for choosing the more qualitative software requirements specification; free online access, at any time, without any registration.
Agent-Oriented Information Technology for Assessing the Initial Stages of the Software Life Cycle