Title:The Case of Covid-19's Environmental Waste Management as a Conceptual Model for Adaptive Methods on Preventing Transmission of the Novel Coronavirus in Developing Regions
Tags:Coronavirus, Covid-19, environmental adapted measure, household waste and medical waste
main objective of research to suggest appropriate methods for suppressing spread of Covid-19 and variants. Household-produced non-hazardous waste together with whealthcare facilities, research centers, and laboratories related to medical procedures will have a negative environmental impact if not managed well. This situation makes it imperative to work on reconsidering methods of collection, sorting, reuse, recycling, and sustainable management. The situation is aggravated because the Coronavirus can live through materials that a person directly touches or other materials. The daily production per hospital bed is estimated at 0.5 kg depending on national per capita income, the basic composition of waste, appropriate technologies available, waste management system, control guidelines, periodic training programs, monitoring and evaluation, continuous improvement, virus mutations, associated medical waste, association with natural disasters and epidemics, health crises and other influencing factors. The general recommendations for people to avoid getting infected include minimizing contact with other people, maintaining social distancing outside the home, mask-wearing, and hands frequent washing. This is a real challenge in a developing environment suffering from good housing conditions and a lack of wholesome, clean, and palatable water. Such conditions demanded this research work which aims at suggesting a somewhat reasonable and adaptable framework for implementation in the developing regions.
The Case of Covid-19's Environmental Waste Management as a Conceptual Model for Adaptive Methods on Preventing Transmission of the Novel Coronavirus in Developing Regions
The Case of Covid-19's Environmental Waste Management as a Conceptual Model for Adaptive Methods on Preventing Transmission of the Novel Coronavirus in Developing Regions