Title:Organization of Independent Work of Students in LMS Moodle Using a Metacognitive Approach (on the Example of Physical and Mathematical Disciplines)
Tags:E-learning Course, Independent Work, LMS Moodle, Metacognitive Approach, Physical and Mathematical Disciplines and Physical and Mathematical Disciplines.
Recent years of the covid pandemic and military threats have significantly exacer-bated the need for young people to obtain university education remotely. This al-so increases the requirements for the effectiveness of using the didactic capabili-ties of digital means and tools of distance education, and the quality of relevant content for organizing and supporting students' independent educational activities. The value of independently acquired, built, and not obtained in the finished form of knowledge increases. Able to effective independent cognitive activity can only be a person who has the appropriate cognitive skills, and is aware of his own cognitive processes. Therefore, filling students' independent work with metacog-nitive content should be considered as the subject and purpose of training, along with the traditional goal of the university, which is the formation of subject knowledge and skills. The subject of our research is the use of means and tools of LMS Moodle for the organization of independent work of students based on a metacognitive approach in the study of physical and mathematical disciplines. The article analyzes the problems of organizing students' independent work and offers some ways to solve them using the Moodle functionality. Examples of the use of individual Moodle activities by the article's authors for the organization and sup-port of independent work of students are given.
Organization of Independent Work of Students in LMS Moodle Using a Metacognitive Approach (on the Example of Physical and Mathematical Disciplines)