Tags:Aplicación móvil multiplataforma, Flutter, Metodología Mobile – D, Proceso de tareos and Registro de tareo
The present investigation was of an applied type with a quantitative approach and with an experimental design in the pre-experimental modality, with the aim of improving the tasking process in the company Agroberries Perú de Virú through the implementation of a multiplatform mobile application, tools were used for the Obtaining data, such as registration and questionnaires, with the end of measuring the average time in the registration of tareos, the average time in the elaboration of the payment plans of los tareos, the average time in the obtaining of the reports of the task records and the level of satisfaction of the administrative personnel of the company, before and after the implementation of the multiplatform mobile application, same that was directed based on the Mobile methodology - D, following the steps: Exploration, Initiation, Production , Stabilization and Pruebas del Software, the same that was carried out in a period of 6 months, from July to December of 2021. ncipales results of the indicators of the tareos process in the implementation of the reduction of the average time of recording of sessions in 32 minutes, reduction of the average time in the elaboration of the payment schedules of the average time in 33 minutes, reduction of the average time of the day in obtaining the reports of the records of the tasks in 25 minutes, it increased the level of satisfaction, where the 42% is satisfied and the 55% is very satisfied. With the support of the statistical studies of T-Student and Wilcoxon, it is concluded that with the implementation of a multiplatform mobile application, the tare process has significantly improved.
Multiplatform Mobile Application to Improve the Tareos Process in an Agroexporter