Title:A European Comparative Study of Circular Bioeconomy Governance Strategies and Good Governance Practices for Supporting Local Operators and Innovation Developers in the Circular Bioeconomy.
Tags:bioeconomy, circular economy, governance, innovation and sustainability
This conference paper presents an overview of regional circular bioeconomy governance strategies and models in the EU-27. The literature review investigates potential assessment methods and evidence on the effectiveness and robustness of existing governance schemes in the EU. From the collection of a sample of circular bioeconomy governance case studies, a typology of regional bioeconomy governance models, along ten dimensions is created. This taxonomy distinguishes four bio-based transformation paths and two main governance functions, political support measures (enabling governance) and regulatory tools (constraining governance) with which regions can confront these challenges, to distinguish between the two fundamental political challenges in setting up an effective governance framework for a sustainable bioeconomy. This research also investigated the different types of good governance practices which are developed from the aforementioned bioeconomy governance models. These good governance practices represent different supporting mechanisms or enablers of bioeconomy development. A vast number of practices were collected from across Europe covering a range of different instruments categorized as fiscal and financial instruments, regulatory instruments, information and advisory instruments, networking, collaboration, and joint planning instruments, voluntary instruments and other instruments. This research shows how many regions have set the goal of developing and expanding their bioeconomies, how local governments are providing comprehensive political support to their bioeconomies to achieve these goals, how regions address the enabling governance challenge and what is the level of the attention that the political management of conflicting goals has reached.
A European Comparative Study of Circular Bioeconomy Governance Strategies and Good Governance Practices for Supporting Local Operators and Innovation Developers in the Circular Bioeconomy.
A European Comparative Study of Circular Bioeconomy Governance Strategies and Good Governance Practices for Supporting Local Operators and Innovation Developers in the Circular Bioeconomy.