Tags:Arithmetic Circuits, Ethereum, Large Prime Fields, Satisfiability Modulo Theories and zkSNARKs
The importance of zkSNARKs is ever increasing in the cryptocurrency and smart contracts ecosystem. Due to the significant threat of financial loss a bug represents in such applications, there is also a surge of interest in the formal verification of zkSNARK programs. These programs are ultimately encoded as a system of polynomial equations over large finite prime fields, and to prove statements about such a program is to prove statements about its system of equations. In this ongoing work we investigate algebraic techniques with the goal of writing a mixed algebraic-SMT decision procedure to compute satisfiability of a new theory of polynomials over large prime fields. Ideally the new theory and decision procedure could be implemented in existing SMT solvers as well as a standalone tool, in order to perform verification tasks over real world applications of zkSNARKs.
On Satisfiability of Polynomial Equations over Large Prime Fields