Tags:CE-12, Class Y, DLA, JC-13, NEPAG and Standards
NASA Electronic Parts Assurance Group (NEPAG) operates under the Mission Assurance Standards and Capabilities (MASC) division of NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA). All NASA missions, large or small, are important to mission assurance. The success of each mission counts. This presentation will describe the efforts underway where NEPAG has worked with DLA (Defense Logistics Agency), JC-13 (the manufacturers of government products), and CE-12 (the users of active devices) committees to ensure current military/aerospace standards address many challenges, one example being the insertion of new technology, the Class Y initiative, Class Y represents advancements in packaging technology, increasing functional density, and increasing operating frequency. The front runner Class Y suppliers are offering functions such as processors, application specific integrated circuits, and very high-speed analog to digital converters.