Tags:driving behavior, following task, music type, road environment and TTC
The study uses different types of music to induce different emotions of the subjects, then checks if the emotions affect driving behavior in different road environments. 30 subjects used the STISIM driving simulator to con-duct the experiments. A mixed factor design of 3 music types (positive vs negative vs no music) * 2 road environments (urban vs rural). After filling out an emotion scale, subjects listened to positive or negative music, recalled relevant memories that matched the emotion, and then filled out the emotion scale again. After reaching the conforming emotion, they listened to the mu-sic and followed a car while completing the driving task. The data collected driving behavior and the duration of TTC<2.5(time to collision). The results show that an existing interaction between the environment and the music type: in the urban environment, the lane departure offset in non-music sce-narios is greater than that of positive and negative music—same goes for the rural environment. The total time of TTC<2.5s in the urban environment is longer than the rural environment; the longitudinal acceleration variation in the urban is higher than the rural environment.
Differences in Driving Performance Between Different Road Environment and Emotions