Tags:Automation, control systems, desktop factory, STEM Education and wireless communication
Today's industries are dominated by communication and automation, which are shaping the future of manufacturing. While current research and academic activities in the field focus mainly on the development and validation of industrial control models and communication protocols through software simulations, there exists a significant gap in hardware-oriented approaches. This paper contributes to addressing this void by introducing the concept of "Desktop Factory" -- a laboratory model equipped with microcontrollers, actuators, sensors, and multisignaling NRF24L01 RF transceivers; and featuring PID control of position, speed, and temperature using RF signals. As a valuable resource for hands-on education, this model can facilitate a foundational understanding of control engineering and telematics as applied to industrial automation, providing researchers with a practical platform for exploring the subject. Overall, this paper highlights the cost, commercial prospects, and advantages of replicating and utilizing the developed system in educational and research settings.
Desktop Factory: a Laboratory-Scale Multisignal RF/PID-Based Automation Framework for Industrial Telematics and Control Experiments