Tags:cloud environment, configuration, Field-Programmable Gate Array, information technology and System-on-Chip
The presented paper conducts the research on the topic of System-on-Chip (SoC) configuration in cloud environment. The main focus is devoted to the configuration of the SoC that includes Field-Programmable Gate Array as a composing part of the chip. The proposed approach is based on the assumption that each part of the system should support remote configuration by matching software artifact. We consider each component for SoC individually and provide a complex solution for its configuration when all of them are running as a system. Moreover, the settings of running machine can be changed dynamically according to the devised information technology. Peculiar attention is paid to the configuration of programmable logic within the framework. As cloud providers also establish services that involve configuration of FPGA and its further usage of an accelerator for specific tasks, the information technology can be used as a basis for software manager responsible for configuration of the SoC.
Information Technology for Configuration of System-on-Chip in Cloud Environment