Tags:Acid Wash, Damp Cork Sheet, Physical and Mechanical Properties and Woven Denim Fabric
Nowadays, washed denim garments have attained an exceptional level of popularity. Acid washing is a finishing treatment that is employed to enhance the aesthetic, fashionable, soft and comfortable aspects of ready-made denim garments, as well as to increase the value of the final garments. This paper investigates the comparative performance between damp cork sheets and pumice stones in acid washing. To investigate the properties of denim garments in acid washing, Phosphoric acid and potassium permanganate were used for soaking the cork sheet at an ambient temperature for a duration of 10 minutes. The properties of denim fabric that were inspected contained yarn count, EPI, PPI, fabric GSM, tensile strength, fabric stiffness, shrinkage, shade change, etc. It was observed that the yarn count, EPI, PPI, fabric GSM, and shrinkage percentage were increased, while the tensile strength, fabric stiffness, and color depths were decreased after washing. Furthermore, it was observed that the impact of pumice stone was slightly higher than that of damp cork sheets due to the higher abrasive action of pumice stone on woven fabric.
An Eco-Friendly Acid Washing Method for Denim Fabric Using Damp Cork Sheets