Tags:AASHTO LFRD, capacity, legal load rating, load rating, Salvation Bridge and White Nile
This paper tackles load rating process on one of the most important bridges in Sudan, which is the Salvation Bridge over the White Nile in Khartoum. The paper reviewed the main load rating types adopted by AASHTO standards. Design load ratings have been made with respect to AASHTO-LFRD highway live loads, BS-5400 highway live loads and Euro code highway live Loads. Legal load rating process has been made using the Sudanese legal loads adapted by National Highway Authority in Sudan. Permit load rating process has been made using actual special trucks used in Sudan during the last 20 years .The rating process has been made on the assumption that the capacity of the main structural elements of the bridge had been decreased with different percentage from zero at 50%, due to different factors. A suitable software has been used for calculations and the results are presented. The paper predicted the load rating factors for the bridge for considerable capacity loss in future and suggested several recommendations to save such vital structure.
Load Rating of Salvation Bridge over the White Nile in Khartoum, Sudan