Tags:Agriculture 4.0, Artificial intelligence, Big data, Digital agriculture, Food crisis, Food security, ICT technologies and Robotics
Because food crisis is so wide-reaching, there is a strong a need in the transformation of world agriculture and food production sector. The innovative digital technologies, namely AI, are widely acknowledged as a solution for enhancing food crises management and agricultural productivity. The purpose of this paper is to research the linkage between food security and artificial intelligence against the backdrop of global digitalization processes by using cluster analysis (SOM algorithm). The level of impact of AI on food security is deployed in ascending order for clusters Absence, Starter, Adopter, Frontrunner. Countries with more developed digital infrastructure are better able to respond to current food security threats and build resilience for the future. Due to development of digital economy and AI solutions, the level of food security for clusters of Adopter, Frontrunner is largely higher than for countries with low level of digitalization and AI diffusion (clusters of Absence, Starter). Furthermore, the level of agriculture value added correlates with AI application and country’s economic development. The more country's economy depends on agriculture, the lower is country's food security level and the slower is country’s digitalization.
Artificial Intelligence Impact on Food Security of States in the World