Tags:AR, Augmented Reality, Blended Course, Professional Competences, Teacher Retraining, Technology, Virtual Reality and VR
Research goal: theoretical justification for the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies in the educational process and the development of a blended course “Using the technologies of augmented and virtual reality in the practice of modern educational institutions” for retraining teachers. Research objectives: to determine the role and place of augmented and virtual reality technologies in the educational process and their use in teacher retraining for the formation of professional com-petence. Object of research: the formation of professional competencies of teach-ers in the retraining process. Subject of research: augmented and virtual reality technologies as a component of the school educational environment. Used re-search methods: theoretical methods containing analysis of scientific sources; empirical methods of interviewing and questioning teachers. Research results: analysis of scientific publications allows us to define the concept of augmented and virtual reality, its types, directions of using augmented and virtual reality in education, examples of its application in the educational process. The developed course "Using the technologies of augmented and virtual reality in the practice of modern educational institutions" for the retraining of teachers allows the for-mation of professional information and communication technologies competen-cies of teachers. Main conclusions: the introduction of virtual and augmented re-ality technologies in the educational process increases the effectiveness of train-ing, promotes the development of logical thinking of students and increases the level of motivation of participants in the educational process.
Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in Teacher Retraining