Tags:Default Mode Network (DMN), Interhemispheric asymmetry of brain, Resting-state fMRI and Spontaneous stream of consciousness
We conducted the research of the content of spontaneously arising thoughts and images during resting state fMRI session in 12 patients with tumors of the chiasmal-sellar region. We compared the results of patients with left-sided (6 people) and right-sided (6 people) tumor location. We used the ReSQ resting state questionnaire (Delamillieure et al. 2010), which estimates the fraction of the time in which a particular category of consciousness flow dominated. Statistically significant differences were revealed in the occurrence of somatic images, sensations and experiences that more often occurred with the right-sided arrangement of the tumor, and auditory images, memories and associations, which often formed with the left-sided arrangement of the volumetric formation. Following the research results we put forward the hypothesis that a voluminous extra-cerebral neoplasm with a compressing effect on the network structures of the passive mode of brain functioning leads to an exaggerated spontaneous emergence of thoughts and images of a hemisphere-specific modality.
Spontaneous “Stream of Consciousness” During Resting-State fMRI in Patients with Neoplasms of the Chiasmal-Sellar Region.