Tags:Didactical process modelling, Didactical process simulation and Educational analogy
The article presents a new method of modelling the didactical process using a developed educational network and the microsystems simulator. The didactical process can be represented in the intuitive form of a network of connected elements in a similar way to the electrical circuits. The network represents the differential equations describing a dynamic system which models the information flows as well as learning and forgetting phenomena. The solutions of the equations are more adequate than the direct formulas used in modelling ie. the learning and forgetting curves known from the literature. The network variables and their meaning are relative to generalized variables defined in the generalized environment. This enables using any of the microsystems simulators and gives access to many advanced simulation algorithms. The paper can be interesting for those who deal with modelling of the systems which incorporates the learning and forgetting process, in particular, in production processes or learning platforms.
Educational Analogy Dedicated for Didactical Process Simulation