Tags:brand crises, celebrity endorsement and memory associative network
We often hear news about a brand dropping a celebrity endorser after the endorser has negative publicity. However, celebrity endorsers are not the only ones that can generate negative publicity; many brands are also guilty of this same conduct. The growing frequency of brand crises and the demonstrated relationship between brand- and endorser-reputation begs the question: What impact might a celebrity endorser experience if a brand that they endorse experiences a severe brand crisis? In Study 1, we find that negative brand publicity impacts the moral reputation of the brand only if internal locus attributions are made. In turn, the moral reputation of the brand positively impacts attitude towards the brand, attitude towards the endorser, and attitude towards other endorsed brands. In Study 2, we find that celebrity endorsers may experience more positive authenticity perceptions, moral reputations, and in turn, attitudes, if they ‘drop’ the offending brand.
The Effect of Brand Crises on Endorser Reputation and Endorsement Portfolios