Tags:AAA, assassin s creed, creative director, ethnography, game development, games of empire, interviews, large scale aaa, level designer, made by people, political economic study, production studies, video game industry, workers and worldviews
INTRODUCTION Videogame companies are made up of capital, resources, and workers. One such group of workers goes to work every day in the largest physical game development studio in the world: Ubisoft Montréal. I interviewed 22 such people who have worked on the Assassin’s Creed franchise (Ubisoft, 2007), who were selected for their role in the decision-making that led to one of the best-selling franchises in the world. Participants included almost all Creative Directors who ever worked on the franchise, most of its ‘Brand Team,’ various designers, writers, programmers, artists, and other roles.
RESEARCH QUESTIONS, LITERATURE AND CONTRIBUTIONS Who decides to put certain worldviews into a game? How do they do so, and why?
Interviewed Workers and Industry Worldviews at Ubisoft Montréal’s Assassin’s Creed