Tags:Aristotle, Greek philosophy, Heideger, phenomenology and physics
The slides are devoted to a few Aristotle’s terms from Physics, B, 1, which are fundamental rather for Heidegger’s interpretation of Western Philosophy as originated from that “Secret Base Book” “never rethought enough”. Each slide elucidates a basic word, correspondingly and successively: ἀλήθεια, χάος, τέχνη, ἐντελέχεια, ενέργεια,οὐσία, and φύσις. The last and conclusive section of the presentation, Recollectiontries to elucidates the method of destruction in the way of Heidegger’s thought rather than conceptually by means of his text Recollectiondevoted to Hölderlin’s hymn of the same title.
Heidegger accomplished a historical and philosophical reconstruction (“destruction”) of philosophy, which is similar to that of Hegel. However, Heidegger was directed it to the beginning of philosophy in Greeks. He reinterpreted phenomenology as a “doctrine of origin” identifying “origin” and “phenomenon”understood historically and philosophically. Thus, he revealed the phenomenon of physics in Aristotle’s “Physics”.
Aristotle’s concepts and categories in “Physics” are interpreted fundamentaly ontologically and phenomenologically. Their deep philosophical meaning, which predetermined the contemporary physics, can be understood by Heidegger’s destruction and etymologization. “Motion”, “energy”, “physics” and many other contemporary notions can be seen philosophically by their beginning after Aristotle. Simultaneously, they are quite different from their contemporary counterparts and thus, suggests a philosophical reflection on Modernity.
Heidegger’S Comment on Aristotle’S Physics. the Origin of Science in Phenomenology