Tags:electric losses, electronic components, finite integration technique, layered magneto-dielectric, magnetic vector potential, mathematical simulation and radiofrequency protective coatings
With the help of carried mathematical simulation, effectiveness of application of the layered magneto-dielectric coatings with losses for preventing of the electromagnetic waves reflection from conductive parts of the electronic components is shown. Parameters of the relative permittivity and permeability in each layer are chosen equal to each other and their electrical conductivity is increased successively at approaching a protected object. With the help of such coatings having micrometer thickness of each layer, reflection of the electromagnetic waves can be effectively lessened - up to 1 % of the incident wave intensity levels. For simulation, the finite integration technique was applied. To decrease the calculation domain, the electromagnetic wave was presented as a sum of an incident and a reflected waves, and virtual the so-called matched layers were applied at the outer boundaries of the computational domain. These approaches were rearranged in relation to the problem solution in terms of the magnetic vector potential, which provides reduction of the required computational resources and therefore enables more effective search of the protective coatings with better characteristics.
Mathematical Simulation of Thin Magneto-Dielectric Layered Radiofrequency Coatings for Protection of Electronic Components