Title:Analogia entis: analogy universlized and formalized rigorously and mathematically in quantum mechanics as the shared base of nature and knowledge
Tags:analogia, analogia entis, isomorphism, quantam information and wave function
Any wave function can be interpreted as a series of qubits (a qubit is defined as usual as the normed superposition of two orthogonal subspaces of the separable complex Hilbert space). Then, each of those two orthogonal spaces can be in turn interpreted as the quality of the same name in two independent (quantum) systems, and the value of the qubit as the quantitative value of similarity (analogy) between the two system as to the quality at issue.
Given any analogy decomposed as a “sum” of analogies of the union of all qualities possessed by both systems: then, a value of qubit may be assigned to any particular sub-analogy referring to a single quality
The world can be represented exhaustedly and quantitatively represented only by means of analogy and the difference between a part and a state of the whole. However, that difference can be represented in turn as an analogy therefore implying the absolute universality of analogy.
Analogia entis: analogy universlized and formalized rigorously and mathematically in quantum mechanics as the shared base of nature and knowledge