Tags:AI-enabled system, Intelligent Transport System, Network Optimization and Traffic Flow Management
The Intelligent Transport System (ITS) project is part of the Nairobi Urban Transport Improvement Programme that is sponsored by Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) which manages, develops, rehabilitates, and maintains all public roads in cities and municipalities. The system is able to study traffic flow data in real-time, thereby allowing longer traffic flow on roads with most traffic, thus minimising unnecessary waiting time. The goal of this collaboration project between Kenyatta University (KU) and Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) is to develop a smart traffic control system that utilizes machine learning to analyze traffic flow. The project aims to improve the efficiency and safety of traffic management in urban roads. The smart traffic control system was able to predict traffic patterns, optimize traffic signals, and provide real-time traffic information to drivers, thus reducing congestion and improving overall traffic flow. The research designed and developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model based on deep learning technology that automatically learns traffic patterns, captures vehicle number plates, identifies traffic violations using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) infrastructure thus directing traffic flow, combating traffic offences and reducing accidents.
Real Time Smart Road Traffic Flow Management System in a Developing Country