Tags:Convergência tecnológica, Geração, Operação, Otimização and Usinas Hidrelétricas
The operation of hydroelectric power plants is directly linked to data from various systems. These systems are categorized as Operational Technologies (OT) when focused on field-level control and Information Technologies (IT) when geared towards enterprise-level applications. Efficiently integrating these systems is a challenge for industries, as each system type has different perspectives and objectives. However, this integration is crucial for achieving the best possible operational performance. In the hydroelectric power generation market, there is often a lack of applications that can successfully integrate and analyze data from IT and OT systems, turning them into actionable information for operations. This often results in manual activities to collect and analyze data, reducing their effectiveness. This article presents an architecture for integrating IT/OT systems, focusing on the hydroelectric power generation market, and discusses its implementation and results at the Jirau Hydroelectric Plant.
Technological Convergence Platform for Optimized Operation of the Jirau Hydroelectric Plant