Tags:Economy in the rural north, Gender equality, Work life balance and Workforce changes
The economy of the Nordic countries has changed rapidly the last decades with a higher rate of women as part of the workforce and a declining birth rate. These changes have had an impact on gender work life balance and create new problems that both families and employers and also state and country has to take steps to resolve. The rural north communities have taken a family approach and are emphasizing the importance of equal rights of the genders. Laws have been passed to increase the share of women in management positions and politics. Flexible workhours are a growing facture in the workplace and has had a positive impact on work life balance of the genders. There are still many obstacles ahead that needs to be addressed to gain a better gender work life balance that can grow the economy and the wellbeing of families. What can employers do better or differently to enhance the wellbeing of their workforce? What can state and country do better to gain the work life balance of the genders? How can a better work life balance benefit the economy of the rural north? Those questions we need to address to make the changes needed for the future generations.
The Importance of Gaining Gender Work Life Balance for the Future of New Generations and of the Economy in the Rural North