Tags:bounded model checking, probabilistic reachability and satisfiability modulo theory
Parametric Hybrid Systems (PHS) model systems whose behaviour is mixed continuous/discrete and can depend on parameters which can be stochastic (i.e., random) or nondeterministic (no distribution is known). Such models are useful for describing, e.g., cyber-physical systems and biological systems. In this talk, we present our recent work on bounded probabilistic reachability for PHS. Specifically, we aim at computing the probability that the system reaches a given region of its state space in a given number of discrete steps and finite time. We present an algorithm that is guaranteed to compute an arbitrarily precise approximation of the probability for a reasonably large class of PHS (so-called robust systems). The algorithm has been implemented in the ProbReach tool, which is available at https://github.com/dreal/probreach .
Verified Probabilistic Reachability in Parametric Hybrid Systems: Theory and Tool Implementation